Baltimore Evening Sun (12 February 1914): 6.


Partial list of the eminent Baltimoreans who regard the local newspapers as lewd and wicked, and would be glad to see them censored:

The Hon. Dashing Harry, LL. B. The Rev. C. Herbert Richardson, D. D. The Hon. Paving Bob Padgett. The Rev. J. Franklin Bryan, D. D. The Hon. McCay McCoy, C. E. The Hon. Sunday-School Field, LL. D. The Rev. J. Munroe Stick, S. T. D. The Hon. Bob Lee, K. T. The Hon. Aristides Sophocles Goldsborough, LL. B. The Hon. O. Edward Janney, M. D.

The Maryland Society of Social Hygiene (i. e., Dr. Donald R. Hooker) on the forthcoming performances of Brieux’s “Damaged Goods”:

The Maryland Society of Social Hygiene is deeply interested in the appearance of this play to Baltimore, since it teaches a vital lesson, gives a clearer understanding of the fundamental facts of life, etc., etc.

Chief among these “fundamental facts of life” is this: that men of education and good repute, on finding themselves infected with virulent and hghly infectious diseases, and duly warned by competent medical advice, habitually marry and infect innocent women. In brief, that such men are heartless and deliberate scoundrels, and that their favorite victims are the women they most love. Such is the accusation brought against what Dr. Hooker has hitherto denounced as the “strictly male.”

The Hon. Charles M. Levister, D.D., spoofs me in the Letter Column for maintaining “a magnificent silence” regarding “the beneficial effects of prohibition in Coatesville, Pa.” Silence eat silence! I shall break mine concerning Coatesville the moment the hon. gent. breaks his concerning Salisbury.

If the Rev. Dr. John I. Yellott, of Belair, will state upon his honor that he did not write the letter printed in the Evening News yesterday, signed “Clergyman,” dated “Baltimore,” and bearing the plain inference that the author is a member of the Ministerial Union of Baltimore, I shall be glad to apologize to him.--Adv.

A remarkable proof of the efficacy of vaccination against typhoid fever is to be found in the biennial report of Dr. J. Clement Clark, superintendent of the Springfield State Hospital for the Insane at Sykesville. Before 1911 typhoid was constantly present at Springfield, and each autumn there were from 10 to 20 cases among the patients and nurses. In June, 1911, vaccinations were begun with the relative mild doses of killed bacilli then in use. At once the number of typhoid cases for the ensuing autumn was cut down to three--and not one of the three victims was among the vaccinated. One was a nurse who had refused vaccination, one was a male attendant employed subsequent to June, and one was a patient who entered later. Of the 890 patients, nurses and attendants actually vaccinated, not one contracted typhoid.

In June, 1912, all of the patients admitted since June, 1911, were vaccinated, this time with larger doses than in 1911, and all of the new employes--426 in all. Not one of these contracted typhoid, nor did any of the 890 vaccinated the year before. During the whole summer and autumn there was but one case of typhoid in the hospital, and this was in a patient who had been accidentally overlooked during the vaccinations. Again in June, 1913, there were additional vaccinations--572 new patients and attendants being vaccinated. Not one of these contracted typhoid. During the whole year there were but three cases of the disease in the institution--two in patients who had been passed over because they reported that they had previously had typhoid, and one in a patient vaccinated with the relatively mild vaccine used in 1911. In all, there have thus been 1,888 vaccinations at the institution since June 1911, and only one of the persons so vaccinated has had typhoid. Without vaccination, judging by experience in the past, there would have been between 30 and 60 cases.

That typhoid is still endemic in the vicinity of Sykesville is shown by the fact that among the small number of patients and attendants who have escaped vaccination there have been five cases of the disease. In brief, every inmate of the hospital has probably been exposed to the infection, and yet only one out of the 1,888 vaccinated has succumbed. No better proof of the efficacy of the typhoid vaccine could be imagined.

Incidentally, Dr, Clark’s report shows that the reaction following vaccination is negligible: not one of the 1,888 persons vaccinated has suffered any very serious discomfort. The vaccines used are those recommended by Major Russell, U. S. A The first injection is of 250,000,000 killed bacilli, the second of 500,000,000 and the third of 1,000,000,000, the intervals being 10 days. Of the 426 persons vaccinated in 1912, but four showed severe reactions. In each case the temperature rose to 104°, but in each case recovery followed within 48 hours. No bad after effects ensued.

Without seeming to make a quarrel out of what was undoubtedly an earnest admonition, honest in intent and courteous in form, I renew my invitation to the Hon. Lawrence Turnbull to name a single Baltimore reformer, not notoriously extravagant, preposterous and dangerous, whom I have ever abused in this place.

The estimable Deutsche Correspondent on the yearning of certain ardent friars to make the Sunpaper jump again:

Der Appetit kommt bei’m Essen.

Which, being done into English, comes to “Eating is the best appetizer.” However, it remains to be seen whether the same mouse can be swallowed twice.

Jacobus Hook! Jacobus Hook! the one man who was never took in nothing of a sinful style or hearing a suspicious look!

The Rev. Dr. Carlton D. Harris in the Letter Column:

We assume that The Evening Sun, a family paper, is not the apologist of the liquor traffic, and is willing for its readers to hear both sides.

Why this grudging “assumption”? Isn’t Dr. Harris perfectly well aware that The Evening Sun is “willing for its readers to hear both sides,” and what is more, that it is the only Baltimore paper that is? If he has any doubt upon the point, then let him consult the Hon. William H. Anderson.

All that remains is for the newspaper baiters to scare the Deutsche Correspondent into cutting out its announcements of Restaurationen.

Why not half price for little girls under 12 years at “Damaged Goods”? And a ticket and a half for engaged couples? And free passes for grandmothers?–Adv.