Baltimore Evening Sun (5 November 1913): 6.


We have met the enemy, and they are ours! Twelve Sunday-school superintendents, nine wiskinskis, five tubs of ginger-pop, two boxes of marshmallows and a keg of bromo-seltzer. –Skoal!-- A DAILY THOUGHT. The great Democratic victory illustrates severall things, and one of them is that the people of this cosmopolitan and progressive city will not permit any interference with their personal liberty by moral quacks and mountebanks.--The Hon. E. Milton Altfeld, LL. B. –Saved!-- All in all, it was an overwhelming defeat for the Anti-Saloon League. In the city but five of the Legislative candidates were pledged to jump through its hoops, and all of them were slaughtered. Every one of its pet enemies went through with a bang. The Hon. Lloyd Wilkinson, far from going down to defeat as a horrible example, came out near the top of the ticket. And such implous gladiators as the Hon. Jim Dawkins and the lion. Jim Trippe triumphed with him. The city delegation is solidly wet, and under the inspiration of the Hon. Dashing Harry, who smarts from sore wounds, it may be expected to undertake unmerciful reprisals at Annopolis. –Prosit, Mein Herren!-- The county delegations, according to the returns at hand at the moment of writing, will be scarcely more virtuous. In some of the counties, of course, local option sentiment is so strong that the Anti-Saloon League had no difficulty in getting pledges from both parties, and there it gained unopposed victories. Of such sort are Calvert, Caroline and Kent. But wherever there was an open fight the League seems to have been beaten. In Harford, for example, its extraordinary ferocious attacks upon the Hon. James J. Archer and the Hon. Thomas C. Hopkins ended with the election of both gentlemen. In Montgomery it failed to defeat Dr. Eugene N. Jones and the Hon. Cy Cummings. In Prince Georges it was routed by the Hon. Jake Holmead. In St. Mary’s, where it supported a Democrat, the Hon. Harry Dent, he was licked. In Queen Anne’s it suffered a contrary embarrassment, its Democratic foe being elected. –Dear old Cochran!-- Here and there, of course, a victory ameliorates its rout. In Talbot, for example, it seems to have put the rollers under the Hon. E. Ney Dodson, who was “backed to the limit by the liquor interests of Baltimore.” Ney was beaten by the Hon. Huley Covington, who was safely pledged to the League. What is more, it elected the two Democrats who were wearing its shirts–the Hon. Bob Harrison and the Hon. J. Edward Mortimer--thus showing its genuine pull in the county. And in Washington county, where the Republicans declared for it and the Democrats were all “‘wet’ to the point where they drip” (I quote the Hon. William H. Anderson) it put over four out of five of the former. But in Charles it was put to flight by three “wet” Republicans, two of whom voted against the local option bill in the last Legislature. –Mach geschwind, Herr Kellner!-- The returns, of course, are still incomplete, and the official count may help the Hon. Mr. Anderson here and there, but the present probabilities are that there will be a sturdy “wet” majority in the House of Delegates, and that it will give short shrift to the local option bill. The “wets” have had some narrow escapes in late years; now that they are safe, they will be disposed to pay up old scores. For one thing, I hear persistent rumors of a legislative investigation of the Anti-Saloon League, with particular reference to the sources of its war-funds. The so-called Civil Liberty League is also in for a laparotomy under the limelight, and the identity of its mysterious backers, who withheld their names “for business reasons,” will be revealed. Thus the “moral element” will begin to taste some of its own bitter medicine, and the vulgar will be agreeably entertained. –Schnell, Otto!-- But the Hon. Mr. Anderson, let it be remembered clearly, is far from a corpse. Even if the official returns show him to be hopelessly outnumbered in the House, he will still have time enough to whoop up the forward-lookers and terrorize some of the weaker “wets.”' There is always the chance that the Hon. William Jennings Bryan will accept his invitatton to plead for local option on the stump. The Hon. Mr. Bryan, as all of us know, is a hard-shell “dry,” and it may be too much for his soul to look on supinely while the local option bill is being murdered. If he wades in, a good many of the county “wets” may be converted. After all, the life of a “wet” is a very precarious one in most of the counties. He wins on such great days of butchery as yesterday, but in ordinary times he runs grave risks. It is safer, in the long run, to put on the Anti-Saloon League livery, or, at any rate, to wear its button. We all saw how the Hon. John Walter Smith did it in Worcester. –Nochmal eins Lloyd Wilkinson!-- The day’s battle, in brief, was a Leipzig, and it was far short of a Waterloo. The Hon. Mr. Anderson was decisively defeated upon the clearest statement of the local option issue yet made in a State campaign, and he lost thousands of troopers and most of his wagon trains, but he still escaped with the bulk of his army, and there us not the slightest doubt that he will have it ready for another sanguinary clash two years hence. He is the best drillmaster ever known in Maryland politics, and he has an almost fathomless war-chest. The Anti-Saloon Leasgue’s fight will go on, in truth, just so long as the Hon. Young Cochran and the rest of the archangels continue to put up the mazuma. If they ever go broke, the league will blow up–but they are in no danger of going broke. Politics is a fascinating sport, even to the piker. Its fascinations become irresistible when one has the money to hire its John Franklin Baker for one’s private entertainment. –Jim Trippe!-- --Jim Dawkins!-- The Hon. Dashing Harry on yesterday’s result.

I felt that the people were satisfied with * * * the Democratic and economical government of this city administration. –Cy Cummings!-- –Two years more!-- Oh, the shrinking modesty of the man! Oh, the blushes of that woodland violet! –Who’s like us?-- --D----d few!-- Boil your drinking water! Watch Harry kidnap Santa Claus! Observe the return of the Hon. William H. Anderson!


For Santa Claus:

Col. Jacobus Hook. [Subject to the Democratic primaries.]